Thursday, January 10, 2008

mass and weight cards

Opportunity/Strategy for you to Review
Complete note cards for the following list of terms, definitions and formulas.
Use them as a means to review each night before you fall asleep. LEAVE THEM AT HOME, BY YOUR BED!!!!!!!!!


Weight: pull of gravity

Gravity: the force of attraction

Spring Scale: instrument to measure weight

Newton: basic unit of measure for force and weight.

Mass: matter

Grams: basic unit of measure for mass.

Triple Beam Balance: instrument to measure mass

Inertia: property of a mass to resist changes in its motion

mrs d rubric

  • Name: _____________________

    Dear Mrs. Dzubak Letter Rubric

    Methods to Measure Mass
    Important Reminders & Facts
    Organization And Clarity
    Language & Spelling

  • 5
    All three methods are addressed and thoroughly explained
    Supplied at least 4 important facts or reminders for using the balance.
    Letter is easy to follow, structured and coherent.
    No mistakes in sentence structure & spelling with excellent use of sci vocab.
  • 4

All three methods are addressed and explained with few steps omitted.
Supplied at least 3 important facts or reminders for using the balance.
Letter makes sense, has structure with few areas that are confusing.
Few mistakes in sentence structure & spelling w/ great use of sci vocab.

  • 3

Two to three methods are addressed and explained with few to some steps omitted.
Supplied at least 2 important facts or reminders for using the balance.
Letter makes sense, has some structure w/ some areas that are confusing and hard to follow.

Some mistakes in sentence structure & spelling w/ some use of sci vocab..

  • 2
    One to three methods are addressed and explained with many steps omitted.
    Supplied at least 2 important facts or reminders for using the balance.
    Letter is hard to follow with little structure. Many explanations are confusing and hard to follow.
    Many mistakes in sentence structure & spelling w/ few uses of sci vocab.
  • 1
    No methods are addressed or explained with a lack of steps being described.
    Did not supply any important facts or reminders for using the balance.
    Letter is extremely hard to follow with no structure. Explanations are confusing and not understandable.
    Mistakes in sentence structure & spelling make writing illegible. No use of sci vocab.

dear mrs. d letter template

Name : ______________________________ Date: _____________
Science 6 - _____

Dear Mrs. Dzubak Letter
Directions: Write a letter to me explaining how to use a triple beam balance to measure the mass of different types of substances. You must give detailed information on measuring the mass using the three different procedures we learned about. Be sure to include any important reminders we talked about as well in regard to taking care of and treating the balance properly.

Dear Mrs Dzubak,


  • Sentence telling what TBB is?

  • Sentences that tell about the important reminders when using TBB.

  • Conclusion sentence stating used in 3 different ways.


  • Paragraph 1 Explain direct Mass

  • Paragraph 2 Explain Mass by Difference

  • Paragraph 3 Explain Measuring out chemical substances


  • One or 2 sentences with finishing thoughts.
