Monday, April 9, 2007

buoyancy project guidelines

Staying Afloat

Objective : To construct a boat that can carry a cargo and float in

Your boat should:
Be made of only aluminum foil
Support a cargo of 1000 grams without allowing any water to enter for at least 20 seconds.

Get started –
Begin by thinking about the shape of real ships and boats and what makes objects buoyant.


· You must keep track of how much aluminum foil you use. (LxW)
· Describe the process of how you developed and designed your boat.
· Record the area the bottom of your boat takes up and its weight using a spring scale.

· A rubric will be given to you on Wednesday, April 12, 2007
· You will test your boat in class on Wednesday, April 18 th

Project Due: Wednesday, April 18th


grant said...

how much is 1000 grams in ounces or lbs?

Unknown said...

about 2.4 pounds.